cheetah virgin export problems

cheetah virgin export problems

hello again i have exported out of sketchup both in 3ds and .fbx from what i can gather .fbx is the best method of export however when i try .fbx nothing appears in cheetah wheres in 3ds it seems to export ok . any help please. also what actually is the best method of export between sketchup and cheetah
re export

Dear James

I tend to use the 3ds export in sketchup with the preserve texture coordinates box checked and that seems to fire in very well into cheetah with minimal tweeking of the textures in cheetah.


3ds export additional tip


Compared to FBX, the 3DS export from sketchup will also create smoother models. When exporting, make sure you export using "Objects in hierarchy". The default is "Single object". A single object has a limited amount of attached materials and colors. It will also seperate all groups and components.
