How does snapping work?

How does snapping work?

I've read the manual, and it seems I didn't understand how snapping works. First of all, I enable snapping in the transform tool. I set the snap space to "global", and enable "points".

If I try to snap the axes of a folder object to vertices in the scene, it doesn't work. I tried to convert all objects into editable first, but it didn't fix the situation.

Then I tried it with cube objects. Sometimes snapping worked with these, but most of the times didn't, and I think the settings were the same all the time.

I also tried to snap to spline objects. I didn't succeed with these either.

Can you enlighten me? What exact steps must I follow for:

1) Snap the axes of a folder object into any vertex of the scene (polygon vertices and spline vertices)


2) Translate an object (as a rigid body, without deforming it) so that one of its vertices snaps to the vertex of other object (polygon or spline).

Thanks for any suggestion.
Re: How does snapping work?

sorry sorry sorry. My fault. I accidentially disabled snapping in 2.2 when I added the tweak mode to the transform tool. I've already fixed that bug.

Please send me a mail if you need the bug fix immediately. Then I can mail you a beta with the bug fix. Otherwise the bugfix will be in the next update.

ces said:
1) Snap the axes of a folder object into any vertex of the scene (polygon vertices and spline vertices)

1. Make the polygon or spline object editable to which you want to snap.
2. Go in object mode.
3. Enable snapping in the transform tool with snapping space global and "points" enabled.
4. Now the objects you move should snapp to the points of the ediatble spline and polygon objects.

ces said:
2) Translate an object (as a rigid body, without deforming it) so that one of its vertices snaps to the vertex of other object (polygon or spline).

Rigid body object snapping isn't possible yet. Sorry. But you can perfrom a compareable task.

1. Make the object you want to move editable.
2. Select all vertices.
3. Darg the the point which should snapp to the other object.

Cheetah3D always uses the closest point to the mouse click of a point selection as the snapping target.


Update: Cheetah3D 5.6 is having proper snapping tools now. Please see the documentation of the transform tool.
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