Random scale of procedural noise

I should know how, but I don't.

I'm using some procedural materials on some objects with 'tangent space' = '3D'
I want to vary the scale settings in the noise node I'm using, and I'm not sure how its done.

Can anyone help here?

Thanks, Shift Studio.
I'm running an animation right now so I can't check,
but the Noise Node has xyz scale parameters.

yes, and I embarrassingly don't know how to randomize the values that go in there with any kind of control of variance
thanks for your help.
--shift studio.
Noise on its own kinda looks like bumps. Using a gradient filter I kinda clip so that there is way more white area than black spots. I want those black spots to be quite varied in size.
I don’t want to use a raster texture here because UVing this object will be painful.

What do you think?
Try Noise, Turbulence then Gradient.
Vary the scale on the Noise and Turbulence.

Node Scale setup.jpg
For scaling nodes if you increase one parameter and leave the others,
like 2-20-2 or 15-4-4 you get stripey patterns. For less stripey,
more blotchy effects try things like 5-10-18.

Node Scale alt.jpg
Thanks Zoohead. I’m going to experiment more with this tomorrow. One thing I know though is that I’m looking for more perfect circles.
— shift studio
Hi Frank, Yes, the amount of white vs black and the amount of size variation is very good. Thanks. I now realise I'll be needing more circular shapes. I may have led you all astray.
Thanks for showing this - I'll surely use it sometime :)
--shift studio.