Rig Tag Question: Orient Constraint

I set up a rig with IK chains along with IK constraints which seem to work fine. The issue becomes when using orient constraints, the IK constraints are ignored.
The figure above is using IK chains/constraints on the legs and arms. If I use the IK handle in the hand, the arm behaves as it should. The clavicle, humerus, ulna and radius all have rotation limits. When moving the hand, those rotation limits work and each bone only rotates as far as the constraint allows.

The leg chains on the other hand have an orient constraint as well. Both the IK handle and orient constraint are using a box as a target. If I just use the IK handle with box target, the leg moves as it should and the IK constraints are obeyed. The problem is the foot is completely stationary throughout the motion. When I add the orient constraint into the mix the foot matches the correct orientation, but now it ignores the IK constrain limits of the other bones in the rig.

Lets say I now twist my foot target 90*. That 90* rotation is applied 100% on the ankle joint even though it has an IK limit of 22* for example. I would like to have this obey the IK limits as well. So that 90* rotation is evenly distributed throughout the entire IK chain.

Does this make any sense? Is there a way to do this already? If not, is this something that could be added?